Family Reunion - It has been two months since the reunion,
which was a success. A decision was made to hold the family reunion on the last saturday of August each year.
That way everyone will know just when it will be and can plan for it well in advance.
New Content - Until recently, nothing much has happened on the site. I will be dedicating more time to it in the future
and plan on regularly updating it so it is more of living site for our family history. I have uploaded Ralph's
autobiography in two versions. A pure test version, no pictures and an interactive web version. Check it out in
the "Histories" section of this website. I have also uploaded many pictures in my possion. Check them out.
Birthday Boys - Fred recently celebrated his 48th with a dinner held at the
the Thaifoon resturant at the Gateway in Salt Lake City, October 15th. Jesse's 60th is coming up this month, the 12th.
Future Plans One of my future plans is to add a section where you can
see and comment on the future of the website. HINT: the site is not just for ancient family history. We need
current, Living news also. Any out there in the mood to be reporters for their side of the family?